Quebec Stat Holidays 2014Check the 2014 Statutory Holidays in Quebec. Find the 2014 dates for Good Friday, National Patriots’ Day, Jean Baptiste Day, Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving etc in Quebec. A statutory holiday is a holiday on which the employer is obliged to give his employee a day off with an indemnity. Employers must give either Good Friday or Easter Monday as a statutory holiday, though some give both days.

Statutory Holidays in Quebec
Date Week Day Holiday
January – 01 Wednesday
New Years Day
April – 18 Friday
Good Friday *
April – 21 Monday
Easter Monday *
May – 19 Monday
National Patriots’ Day
June-24 Tuesday
Jean Baptiste Day
July – 01 Tuesday
Canada Day
September – 01 Monday
Labour Day
October – 13 Monday
Thanksgiving Day
December – 25 Thursday
Christmas Day
Other Holidays in Quebec
Date Week Day Holiday
January – 21 Tuesday
Quebec Flag Day
July – 20 Sunday
Construction Holiday
Construction Holiday – In the province of Quebec, Canada, the Construction Holiday is the most popular time for summer vacations. This holiday begins the 2nd last Sunday of July every year lasting for a period of 2 weeks, and the holiday came into effect officially in the summer of 1971. Many Quebecers outside the construction industry also take their holidays during these two weeks, and it is the busiest time of year for the province’s tourism industry.
Jean Baptiste Day – June 24 was a holiday honoring French Canada’s patron saint, St. John the Baptist, which is why it is commonly known as La Saint-Jean-Baptiste. The festivities occur on June 23 and 24 and are celebrated all over Quebec.
Flag Day – Québec Flag Day commemorates the first flying of the flag of Quebec, January 21, 1948.