Canada National and Provincial Statutory Holidays 2022
Check Canada National and Provincial Statutory Holidays 2022. Public holidays in Canada are also known as‘statutory holidays’ , ‘stat holidays’ or simply ‘stats’. A statutory holiday in Canada is legislated either through the federal, or a provincial or territorial government. New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Canada Day, Labor Day and Christmas Day are the Nationwide statutory holidays. In addition to the nationwide stat holidays, the following holidays are mandated by federal legislation for federally regulated employees. All banks commemorate these holidays, and they are statutory in some provinces and territories : Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day and Boxing Day.
Canada National and Provincial Statutory Holidays 2022 –
Canada National and Provincial Statutory Holidays Calendar 2022 –
Canada National Holidays Calendar 2022
Along with Canada National and Provincial Statutory Holidays 2022 you can check out the stock market, post office, banks and school holidays observed in Canada.